
The following are nets that either run on the club’s W1BIM repeater, or are run by club members to primarily service the club.

George’s Old Timers Net

W1BIM repeater daily at 7:30 PM local
A daily easy-going ragchew net. All are welcome to join in for friendly, casual conversation and some trivia. Highly recommended for newcomers to the amateur radio hobby!
More info at

Central MA 2M Traffic Net

W1BIM repeater daily at 9:00 PM local
The Central MA 2M Traffic Net is a local NTS net servicing the area. Anyone wanting to learn about traffic handling, regardless of skill or experience level, is welcome to join.
More info at

No Name Nets

3982 kHz LSB daily at 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM local
This is a free-form, somewhat unofficial gathering of CMARA members and others in the local area. Feel free to drop in!

Western MA Emergency Net

3944 kHz LSB Sundays 8:30 AM local
The primary section-wide weekly emergency net, primarily for ARES and open to any other emergency communications program. It is held on the frequency that is used for most section-wide ARES communications during actual ARES activations. All amateurs are welcome to join, whether ARES members or not, or residing in the Western MA section or not.
More info at

Southern Worcester County ARES Net

W1BIM repeater Sundays 9:15 AM local
Local ARES net that services Holden, the City of Worcester and all areas southwards in Worcester County. All are welcome to join the net regardless of location or ARES membership.
More info at