We kicked off this month by starting right at 7 with Jim starting off with the introductions of in-person and Zoom members. There were 18 real live people plus 5 on Zoom for a grand total of 17*-4(1#30 divided by the cube of eleventeen over easy = 23 or so which is just after the 12th of never.
Secretary’s Report
he Secretary’s report was entered into the historical record with no hiccups, geddups or gitalongs.
Treasurer’s Report
Total balance at last report (January 2025): $12,098.91
February Financial Report
- Income
- Annual Dues: $ 197.13 (17 members + 1 donation)
- New members: $43.12 (none)
- Expenses
- Web hosting fees: $107.57
- Web domain renewal: $ 48.34
- TD Bank Balances
- $11,725.25
- Cash-on-hand
- $458.00
Total Funds in the Treasury
- $12,183.25
New Member Applications
- Ray Kagels (KC1WCN)
- Preston Sturdevant (NCS)
- Zelle online payment setup in TD Bank – information on website
- TD Bank balance includes $100 for coffee fund
- Name badges: Jim Singer investigating
Patrick Perkins
CMARA, Treasurer
(m): 508.667.6335
Membership Committee
We have 105 paid members and 28 deliquent.
73, Dick / W1REJ
Repeater Committee
Working fine.
Old Business
Need badges.
New Business
We are looking into a badge printer. Jim and/or Tom G will do research.
Possible speaker, former astronaut Ken Camerton
Future Programs
- March – Introduction/ overview to 3D Printing – Connor KC1MMT
- April – CMARA Flee??
- May – Field Day Planning
- June – Last Minute Field Day Prep
Next Meeting
Thursday, March 20, 2025 at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 70 Highland St., Holden, MA. (or Zoom if you prefer) Doors will be open at 6pm and Zoom link up at 6pm (maybe)
Gil WK1H presented the program on ‘Volunteering for the Boston Marathon’. It takes almost 300 ham radio volunteers to make the event go smoothly and YOU are needed.
CMARA Board Meeting 2/17/2025
7pm start time
In attendance, Jim, Dan, Tom G, Greg, Gil, George, Nick and Connor
Gil noted that Pat needs help finding a badge printer.
Connor will do a program on “Intro to 3d printing”.
April will be the annual Flea
Nick brought up that the Quincy VHF repeater is getting kicked out of it’s site and that Marlborough my lose its spot..
Dan Rau, K1RAU