January 2025 Meeting Minutes
It’s the start of 2025 and CMARA is back in session with a new president and a great group of members!
Jim N1EKO started the meeting at 7pm with the requisite introductions and folderol. BTW, we had 22 members in the building and 10 on Zoom. Not bad for a January meeting.
Secretary’s Report
Even though my note taking ability is a still a bit strained we managed to get reasonable notes taken and properly transcribed for the December. The minutes as written in the official CMARA minutes…(that’s kind of redundant) were approved by all present.
Treasurer’s Report
Total balance at last report (December 2024): $12,047.23
January Financial Report
- Income
- Annual Dues: $ 451.68 (17 members + 1 donation)
- New members: $0 (none)
- Expenses
- Deposit for Field Day 2025 site (Troutbrook Holden): $400.00
- TD Bank Balances
- $11,690.91
- Cash-on-hand
- $408.00
Total Funds in the Treasury
- $12,098.91
New Member Applications
- None received
- Zelle online payment setup in TD Bank – still learning how to use best
- TD Bank balance includes $100 for coffee fund
- Name badges: continuing…
Patrick Perkins
CMARA, Treasurer
(m): 508.667.6335
Membership Committee
Lots of members and folks paying their dues. Which reminds me…
73, Dick / W1REJ
Repeater Committee
The machine on the big hill is still working like a champ.
New Business
There is a new payment option on the website. I’m not sure what it is due to sloppy note taking but you will see it there somewhere.
The SURVEY about changing the meeting start time. 52% vote to keep it the same. 1% didn’t care. 47% voted for change. So for the time being we will continue to meet at 7pm.
New Website
I spilled the beans earlier in the minutes but we have a new website look. Check it out at ‘www.cmara.org’. Many thanks to Tom N1TJC for all the hard work.
Next Meeting
Thursday, February 20, 2025 at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 70 Highland St., Holden, MA. (or Zoom if you prefer) Doors will be open at 6pm and Zoom link up at 6pm (maybe)
Gil WK1H presented the program on ‘Volunteering for the Boston Marathon’. It takes almost 300 ham radio volunteers to make the event go smoothly and YOU are needed.
CMARA Board Meeting 1/14/2025
7pm start time with Jim, Dan, Tom C, Connor, Nick, Greg, George Tom G and Selina
We are still working on a new vendor. Film at 11.
Tom C N1TJC has all the credentials and new look is active.
A/V Issues
The current laptop doesn’t have Power Point. We approved $ to but Office 365.
The members voted to keep the meeting time the same.
Trout Brook for Field Day
Wrapped up and paid for!
Repeater Use Request
Another group would like permission to use our repeater as an emergency back up to their emergency system. All approved and Greg will make the proper contact.
We will take up the by-law changes that got abandoned when covid closed everything down. The last known revision will be sent to the board by Greg. This is like déjà vu all over again…and again.
Dan (K1)Rau