You’ve heard of late news, well this the late minutes from October. This is the truncated version of the October 2024 minutes. Due to circumstances beyond my control (like a stroke on 10/28/24) my typing is VERY slow.
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Total balance at last report (September 2024): $12,117.18
October Financial Report
- Income
- Annual Dues: $ 93.02 (4 members)
- New members: $0.00 (no prospective members this period)
- Expenses
- None Paid
- TD Bank Balances
- $11,767.20
- Cash-on-hand
- $443.00 (includes $100.00 held for coffee fund)
Total Funds in the Treasury
- $12,210.20
New Member Applications
- None received
- Name badges: continuing
Membership Committee
102 paid for 2024.
Repeater Committee
Old Business
- Field Day venue. Need volunteer to scout it.
- 90th b/day, need volunteer to organize it.
New Business
Nominations for board and officers. Those who will continue are: Dan, Pat and Gill for officers and Greg, Selina, Connor, George and Steve for board. Tom may or may not run again due to personal issues. We only have 5 board members and need one more to stay in our charter.
The suggestion of a club activity arose and we will look into it. Perhaps a J-pole build project.
Next Meeting
November 21, 2024. 6:30 social 1/2 hour and the meeting will start promptly at 7pm. Location is St. Francis Episcopal Church, 70 Highland St., Holden, MA. (or Zoom if you prefer)
I know the program was presented by Phil Luscre K8ZT but have no recollection of what it was. It was interesting… that I remember.